Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I was wiping the last drip of oil off my hands. I had endured many endless days creating my time machine, but now it all seemed worth it. I was busy programming the last bit of information into the the cold key pad. Tensions were building. The machine fired up from it's sleep. I was planning on seeking revenge upon the retched man who created This was it. I was finally about to change history and prevent me and my English classmates from going through the many hours of torture that this blogging website had placed upon us. I stepped into the chilled time machine and set the date back in history to the december 5, 2007. With a incredible jolt of energy, the floor started to tremble underneath me. Suddenly it all stopped. I looked down at the emergency stop button that I had instinctivly pulled. I suddenly realized that there was no reason to stop the creation of the blogging website that controlled valuable class time used up during my english class. Why one might ask? Because I am finished.